2nd Oct 2017 - IMPORTANT : Online spelling correction tool on a website


It is essential that there are no misspellings on your site, it is a matter of professionalism, and know that if there are, you lose sales, but also decrease your ranking...
Grammar and spelling are indeed ranked at 33rd place (high importance) of the ranking calculation criterias used by Google :

Yes, finding spelling mistakes can be very difficult and long, but here is a tool that will make your task easier and save you a considerable amount of time:
Make a copy and paste of the text of the content of the desired page...

We have found on our site a lot of mistakes of all types despite our great vigilance on this point, this has been surprising as there was so much everywhere, and these were rather unsuspected...
From now, we will not be able to edit our website content without this tool online for each of our entries on the website.
Do not forget to check the pages CGV, legal notices, and products... and any text paragraphs

For French, use this one :
For Spanish :
For German

To find sites for other languages, search in google :
input in English :
online corrector + name of the language in english

Monday, October 2, 2017

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