It is possible to make the processor of your PC work with this collective research application in order to develop treatment and vaccine against the coronavirus
Once downloaded, install the application, leave 'Fold as anonymous'
In task bar, find the icon of application, and click on 'Web Control', at the top: 'I support research fighting', choose covid-19
Then see below 'Power', if you leave on Medium, we recommend leaving your computer working only when you are not working by checking : 'Only when idle', otherwise choose the power 'Light' which is already quite high with 33% of your processor resources.
YOORshop has just started its contribution with several Linux servers or there are unused resources, this represents almost 20 processor cores !
NB : If setting 'Light' is still too much for your computer, you can set to use only 1 vCPU. To proceed, in task bar, find the icon of application, and click on 'Advanced Control', Configure, go to Slots, edit CPU, put 1 instead of -1, save, it should display in console CPU 1
Wednesday, May 6, 2020