1st May 2020 - Importance of high availability web hosting

Check this article which demonstrates that Google not only check website uptime, but will also de-index your website !

28th Apr 2020 - Two-Factor authentication 2FA in cPanel

To use such feature to log in your cPanel, please refer to our article :


24th Apr 2020 - Infos : ZOOM videoconferencing application


We have heard a lot about Zoom: a very useful videoconferencing application for education professionals

ZOOM made the buzz in terms of security, indeed, for the slowness of the team to secure it properly, and in good because it is really well designed.

The latest news is that end-to-end encryption should stabilize the situation in a sustainable way: click here to read the article

To go further in this area with YOORshop, do not forget that we offer well with the Chamilo app


24th Apr 2020 - Infos : Google Shopping become Free


This is a major point for Ecommerce websites owners, Google Shopping is now free (old name Froogle), what are you waiting for ?

Ref : here

As a reminder, we give tips about SEO here