17th Aug 2019 - Infos : Use OpenVPN on Android in permanent mode


A very interesting feature exists on recent versions of Android: permanent VPN mode

Here is the complete information to use OpenVPN from YOORshop :

For android, you must use an external application :
(You will need to ask for the 'mobile' certificate)
Once certificate imported, edit config in IP tab, and activate the IP locations that you are interested in by checking https://support.yoorshop.hosting/knowledgebase/2511/Server-list-VPN-OpenVPN-YOORshop.html
Note that if you disable random IP choice on top, it wil connect always to IP server from top to bottom.
Your android can use openVPN permanently, go in general settings in your phone, tab Network/Wifi/VPN, click on VPN, tick box to use permanently VPN
YOORshop Team

30th Jul 2019 - Infos : How to migrate from Wix to Wordpress


Once you need more, you need a real independent website, and a host like YOORshop to host your website.

The more complicated part is to transfer/convert website data to WordPress, we found an article that can help you in these steps : https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/tips-tricks/how-to-convert-wix-to-wordpress-a-complete-guide-to-all-your-options

If you're not confident in this process, jus thire a webmaster for this taks, we recommend https://www.upwork.com because there is a lot of cheap freelancers whose skills are enough for this task.

YOORshop Team


18th Jul 2019 - Paypal pricing changes, earn 0.75% through Stripe


From 06/06/2019 the PayPal fees have changed and they are of the order of 2.9% + 0.35 cents instead of 3.40% + 0.35 cents per transaction.

The 2% tapering schedule for more than € 2,500 cashing is no longer available at PayPal.

No big consequences at YOORshop, but considering that Stripe charges are 1.4% only (important difference of 1.5%), we can reduce your bill by 0.75% if you switch your payment method to Stripe (this will also pay automatically your future invoices).

If interested, to proceed, register your credit card from your customer area (My account/Manage credit card), and open a support ticket to the billing department to receive the 0.75% discount ....

Thank you for your attention,

YOORshop team

10th Jul 2019 - YOORshop Head office address transfer

Our new address is :

38 place des Pavillons

69007 Lyon