# Block zombie traffic (you can add other countries, added lines must be with [NC,OR], last line must be only with [NC])
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} \.ru [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} \.cn [NC]
RewriteRule .* - [F]
1 daily backup of your databases at 13:15 PM GMT !
The PHP mail knows a concern since the system updates made today. Some clients informed us already.
It is disturbing we understood... but at same time this is not a surprise because php mail is announced for 2 years as being dead process method.
Let's see if we can come back re-authorize
Meanwhile, if you want to use email, this is how to do forever, and it works perfectly :
News at 18h01 :
Le phpmail is working again, this was due to the much updates that happened today. Anyway, you must use smtp because this is the one which maximizes your deliverability !
After many recurring problems of this module with consequences on the server, this module should be not used...
If we observe update issues, we will do this :
Simply move folder modules/autoupgrade to public_ftp
As a consequence :
You will need to use another way to update your shop, OR you can use this last moduel just for doing shop upgrade
We have to integrate the system that will Kernelcare 2 very importants things :
- Always be up to date automatically including those very important in general security ones.
- No more rebooting needed, so we can keep and maximized availability
Yours sincerely,
We activated the PageSpeed Nginx web optimization at all default accounts
This optimizes CSS / images / javascript. Our tests have shown GTmetrix by site multiple improvements ranging from 10 to 25% ...
Normally no problem with the sites but not impossible with CSS modifications, /ex, Pagespeed uses a cache system which purge itself every 3-6 hours.
Also do well CTRL + F5 et SHIFT+CAPSLOCK+R
You can disable PageSpeed temporarily or permanently.
If you want to desactivate PageSpeed, you must change your profile Nginx :
Read our article to unlock situtation :
To begin the year, YOORshop becomes YOORshop SAS !
If any issue arrives, you can get back to normal proxy nginx, follow well instructions :
Don't hesitate asking us to do it for you by giving all details to avoid any issues !