28th Aug 2020 - FFP2 Respiratory protection mask with valve and eye protection

Hello !

Here is a full-face respirator mask for adult and child, tested and sufficient to protect also eyes, and at this time, it only exist in China :


The included PM 2.5 filters are not technically sufficient against viruses, just cut an ordinary medical mask FFP2 into 3 pieces to create an equivalent sized filter as the one PM 2.5.

The breathing valve adds a certain comfort to wearing a mask, and the protective visor is simply brilliantly airtight by really molding closer to the face from the upper part of the mask.

YOORshop team

19th Aug 2020 - Warning bug : upgrade to Wordpress 5.5

Hi folks, If your are using wordpress, there is something you must know urgently concerning last Wordpress version 5.5. Indeed, the library jquery has been updated, and this could not work with your existing themes and plugins if not certified compatible with Wordpress 5.5. You can find more informations here and here Before any attempts, ... Read More »

18th Aug 2020 - Scripts News related to Softaculous in cPanel


As you know Softaculous is an awesome plugin present in your cPanel.

Daily, the existing scripts are updated, and new scripts are added, you can find all the news by this link.

Welcome back everyone,

YOORshop team

12th Jun 2020 - Technology Preview of NGINX Support for QUIC and HTTP/3


Great news for year 2021, HTTP/3 should be stable and deployed into our infrastructure.

The use of UDP is obviously the main evolution, providing a substantial speed advantage.

YOORshop Team

24th May 2020 - Now 15 days backups for shared hosting offers !


In order to consolidate premium quality of our web hosting services, we are increasing the duration of backups from 10 to 15 days.


YOORshop team

13th May 2020 - New domain extensions on sale : .io .life. .pro .travel

As a reminder, here are all domain extensions we propose :








































































7th May 2020 - Now 30 days backups for Cloud hosting offers !


In order to consolidate premium quality of our unique cloud clustered hosting service, we are increasing the duration of backups over 30 days.

As a reminder, a database backup is also performed every 12 hours.


YOORshop team

6th May 2020 - News: New Google Core Update May 2020

Please find essential facts here

6th May 2020 - Participate in collective research against covid-19 Coronavirus

Hello, It is possible to make the processor of your PC work with this collective research application in order to develop treatment and vaccine against the coronavirus Once downloaded, install the application, leave 'Fold as anonymous' In task bar, find the icon of application, and click on 'Web Control', at the top: 'I support research ... Read More »

1st May 2020 - Importance of high availability web hosting

Check this article which demonstrates that Google not only check website uptime, but will also de-index your website !